Get ready to enter a new world. A world where even immortality is possible. 7art Alchemic Clock takes you to a world where immortality exists.
This unique screensaver is something out of the ordinary.
Obviously, it is a clock. But it is not the regular analog or digital clock giving you the hour, minutes and seconds.
You will see a very nice cartoon-like clock against a very strange background.
It shows some kind of ancient runes and symbols, along with a text in an unknown language. Maybe the language of magic?
The ambience is pretty mystical, and with some imagination you will be transported to a world of magic.
You will see the ancient clock and some weird looking beasts circling around the clock.
The table of elements shown will make you remember those wise men who used to work with cabbala and magic trying to reach immortality.
Unfortunately, there are no settings to adjust in this screensaver. It would be nice if it included some kind of mystic music to go along with it. It won't install any toolbars or anything you don't want. Simply install it and start imagining things.
7art Alchemic Clock will allow you to go away from the daily routine for a while, as you travel in a parallel world. Who knows? Maybe you will discover some secrets too.